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Analyzing New Leadership - with the TLI Module of the Mindset Navigator Platform

Analyze your leadership competencies in 16 success-critical dimensions with concrete leadership action recommendations for digital transformation.

Mindset Navigator Plattform - Leadership Analyse

What is the TLI module of the Mindset Navigator platform?

Digital transformation requires leadership that is fit for the future. The Transformation Leadership Indicator (TLI) is a powerful leadership analysis and development tool and a modern step towards New Leadership in your organization. 

The leadership diagnostic provides a detailed analysis of the leadership style of executives and aspiring executives, along with concrete recommendations for action. With the analysis, leaders can better understand their leadership style and take action to develop and improve their own leadership.


What does the TLI measure?

Modern site analysis on New Leadership

The TLI offers a modern location analysis for leadership in the digital transformation. The TLI analyzes leadership style and gives executives a detailed insight into a total of 16 dimensions that are critical to success for New Leadership. This enables executives to identify where their own strengths and potentials are in their leadership style in the digital transformation.

The 16 dimensions of the TLI are divided into a total of 4 New Leadership clusters:

  • Comlpexetiy mastery

  • Collaboration

  • Role and seld-image

  • Understanding of resources

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Roles of sustainable leadership - The TLI role model

The TLI Role Model describes 8 leadership roles in transformation. 
The architecture of this model is based on the 16 dimensions that are critical to the success of New Leadership. 

Each leadership role has different strengths and values for the organization. Thus, there is no leadership role that is better or worse than another leadership role.

  • Impulse-giving team pilot

  • Supportive resource manager

  • Detail oriented expert

  • Controller

  • Efficiency Optimizer

  • Planning organizational architect

  • Networking intrapreneur

Concrete recommendations for action

In addition to the analysis, the TLI also contains concrete recommendations for action to help executives develop and improve their leadership in the area of digital transformation. 

The TLI offers detailed recommendations for action so that steps can be taken to improve one's own leadership style. With the TLI, therefore, executives gain both the insight and the guidance to positively change their own leadership style and become a better leader.

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How can the TLI help you?

The TLI helps you to analyse and measure the leadership competencies for the digital transformation of executives and junior executives. With the help of this analysis, development plans can be built and individualized development of leadership competencies becomes possible.

In this way, the TLI makes your junior executives and managers fit for leadership in transformation.


The TLI module of the Mindset Navigator platform has 4 areas of application:

Executive Development

The TLI module of the Mindset Navigator platform is the ideal starting point for sustainable and long-term leadership development. By analysing the leadership competencies that are relevant for the digital transformation, tailor-made development programs become possible and the learning success is significantly increased.

Management Audit

The TLI module of the Mindset Navigator platform allows a management audit of leadership competencies that are crucial for digital transformation.  

This gives the organization insight into the leadership competencies of executives and junior managers and allows data-based decisions to be made.

Executive recruiting

The TLI module of the Mindset Navigator platform makes it possible to match the existing leadership competencies of executives and junior executives with the leadership requirements of the digital transformation.

This makes personnel selection in external recruiting and internal management programs more accurate and increases the fit. This leads to lower hiring and onboarding costs.

Talent programs for junior executives

The TLI module of the Mindset Navigator platform provides the optimal basis for tailored programs for young executives. Digital transformation calls for new leadership, and this can be developed through programs for junior executives. The TLI can be used both in the selection of junior executives for these programs and as a starting point for customized development offerings in the programs.

How does the TLI module of the Mindset Navigator platform work?

In just 20 minutes, the relevant leadership competencies for transformation are analysed in a scientifically valid manner and users receive detailed feedback in an interactive dashboard.

What are the benefits of the TLI module of the Mindset Navigator platform?


The TLI gives managers the security to make the right decisions for the future in times of change.


The TLI provides help for the objective selection of tomorrow's managers. The results of the TLI can be used to ask and assess questions in selection interviews in a much more targeted manner.


By objectifying the analysis of leadership style, managers can work in a much more targeted manner on relevant areas of action for the future.

Scientific validity

Ensured validity according to scientific criteria and development according to quality standards of DIN 33430.


The Transformation Leadership Indicator (TLI) has been scientifically validated and exhibits the necessary quantitative quality criteria of the current scientific standard for all dimensions (objectivity, reliability, validity, normal distribution properties, etc.). 
In addition, a study has been written on this subject. 
If you want to learn more about the scientific validity, you can download our TLI validation study via the following link.

Validierung Leadership Diagnostik Studie TLI

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