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Success Story Industrie

An international industrial company wants to set up its own digital unit for the digital transformation journey.

Starting point


After defining the organization, the required positions were developed. In a very competitive market, how can our customer find, attract and retain the right talent for transformation?


Through a targeted search of high potentials from the transformation area, the new unit is to be built up with the right people. In doing so, the right candidates with the right perspective have to be found and inspired by demonstrating the business model idea of our customer.


To get started, we first had to fully understand the idea behind our client's new division and translate it into concrete requirements for the individual positions. This led in part to a redesign of the position profiles with which we address candidates in the second step. There are three decisive criteria when approaching candidates:

  1. Where, i.e. on which platform or at which meeting do I find suitable candidates?

  2. How do I approach the candidates?

  3. How can I position myself as a sparring partner for the candidates in relation to our customer?


Thanks to our very distinctive network in the transformation area, coupled with a sustainable and long-term recruiting strategy for the new area of our customer, we succeeded in continuously filling the key positions. This consequently created a pull effect for the other positions, so that the new area was able to grow very quickly and is now the supporting pillar for the transformation of our customer.

Want to learn more about the project of building a digital unit in the industry?

Let's talk.

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